Human vs. Logic - Human entertainment vs. environmental destruction

Do humans have logic? Not at all it seems….

During the hottest time of the year the outdoor entertaining of bored people started…Is that logic?

Just some facts for everyone on the recent “exciting” outdoor activity…..

As a base of calculation these are very moderate figures:

Per liter fuel an average car is emitting approx. 2.4 gr CO2 and the average consumption for car per hour 10 liter on idle mode

Now the entertaining figures:

6 months, 30 days per month, 80-100 cars per screening, 2 times per day, every time 2-3 hrs engine running with an average emission of 24 gramm of CO2 per hr….

6 * 30 * 90 * 2 * 2.5 * 24= 1.044.000 gr of CO2 emission for bored and boring human entertainment  

6 months, 30 days per months, 80-100 cars, 2 times per day, 2 people, everyone 1 bucket of popcorn , 1 plastic bottle of water, 1 aluminum can of soft drink and 1 plastic pack of Nachos

6 * 30 * 90 * 2 * 2 = 64800 buckets wasted

6 * 30 * 90 * 2 * 2 = 64800 plastic bottles wasted

6 * 30 * 90 * 2 * 2 = 64800 aluminum cans wasted

6 * 30 * 90 * 2 * 2 = 64800 plastic packs wasted

In addition the special orders for the bored people to eat more and produced more waste.

Are humans so ignorant towards environment and nature that for their boredom and entertainment they need to destroy and pollute their own living space even more…Is that logic?

Is there nothing else for them to do to be entertained rather than killing your own base of living?

Any outdoor activity in summer where humans want to feel comfortable by sitting in their cars and running the engines for the AC to have a cozy and cool space to be entertained makes no sense at all.

July was the hottest July measured since 1902 in Bahrain and bored humans need to have that kind of environment damaging entertainment. As if the current situation of worldwide pollution is not enough, humans need to harm it more for their fun …Is that logic?

Treat Mother Nature like your Mother, treat Mother Earth like you want your Mother to be treat

A great opportunity was missed to create a almost zero waste entertainment for humans, but it failed poorly.

More to read on CO2 emission by cars and the air quality of Bahrain can be found here:

Air pollution and quality on Bahrain

Entertainment for bored and careless humans during summer heat

Waste produced during entertaining bored and careless humans

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