Toying with ideas

Artist Pallavi Jain is upcycling soft toys in a bid to raise funds for Sneha’s recreation centre for children with special needs.

Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of providing old, useless or unwanted items a second chance at life and last month the 47-year-old homemaker and poetry blogger started doing that in support of a cause close to her heart.

Combining her love for art and gardening, Pallavi is turning old toys that are collecting dust in cupboards into colourful garden decorations.

“I always find ways to recycle old things lying around at home and I love trying different kinds of arts and crafts,” said the former chemistry teacher who taught at school and at an undergraduate college for years. “I get inspired watching different YouTube videos and some time back I came across a video in which a soft toy was upcycled using cement into a garden decoration.

“I tried it with my son Arihant’s old toys, which he outgrew now that he is in Grade 11, and it turned out pretty nicely.

“So I thought, why not repurpose other children’s toys as well. During the pandemic, everyone was talking about learning a new skill mostly for their own betterment. But I always wanted to do something for society with the skills I was learning.”

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