CIPS team undertake Ramadan Community Drive in UAE

For the eighth consecutive year, the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) came together as a team to visit the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque in the Muhaisnah area of Dubai, where they distributed over 1500 Iftar meals to labour camp residents.

“Ramadan is a time for giving and we are delighted to once again visit the Bilal Bin Rabah mosque to distribute these meals. We provided over 1500 meals this year and we are humbled by the gratitude and wish everyone a peaceful and blessed Holy month,” said Sam Achampong, CIPS MENA, Managing Director.

The CIPS team also distributed t-shirts and caps to labour camp residents that attended the iftar. The activity was part of the CIPS Group community drive that takes place in Dubai every year.

CIPS is the largest global professional body for training and skills development for procurement and supply chain management. The CIPS Ethical Procurement and Supply eLearning and test has been recently updated and renewed to provide quality learning and guidance for organisations concerned about preventing unethical practices in their supply chains. Developed for all levels of procurement professionals, the programme and test enable individuals and organisations to hone their skills and knowledge and ultimately demonstrate their commitment to ethical practice.

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