This is the best thing to eat at Cocos!

My love affair with Cocos goes back a loooooong way. I was perhaps in my early twenties when I first ventured in through those hallowed portals and had a life-changing experience!

And the dish that changed my life was the Fish tandoori. White fish and saffron rice drenched in that lovely tandoori sauce that changes colour with a splash of lemon. It smells as appetising as it looks! the salad is the thing I get through first  - to be able to concentrate on the main thing! The hot rice with the sauce and fish! I recommend the Strawberry-mint-lime smoothie to go with it. The combination is divine - the tastes complement each other so well!

I love it so much that I have been having the same dish for the last ten years, every single time I go there! And I take all my friends, if they are new to Bahrain or are visiting, there for a meal. And yup! we end up trying the same thing.

Not to say that other dishes are not good but on the rare occasion I have been there and tried something else, I feel like I have cheated on a loved one. the only thing I add to this combo occasionally is the Chocolate Crepe with Ice cream... that just rounds up the entire experience nicely!

Oh! and I also like the mushroom soup but in the bread bun, without it, the soup has no appeal for me, for some reason. 

So next time you go to Cocos - do order my favourites and think of me!

If you have any other favourites that you think can displace Fish Tandoori from its top spot, write them in the comments down below!

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Sonorita radiates a vitalising energy, the zest and gaiety of an inexhaustible joie de vivre. She loves good food, good conversation, good books an ....Read more


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