Someone with no FB and no instagram account in 2020

Disclaimer - no undue pride but mere introspection of staying away from virtual social engagements

I am questioned often about not having FB and insta accounts. Interestingly it does not stop at questioning but goes to attempt of convincing me the benefits of having them. So far I have been successful in keeping this ‘convincing’ at bay. But 2020 may be the time for me to introspect why I must have been so adamant in not following up with people’s fancy about FB and insta.

Foremost thing I found at this search is enormous mental peace. I don’t say these accounts are cause of all the frustration in world but I could see people struggling to achieve likes and followers on this virtual world. I am bit relaxed with it, having more time to strive for real appreciation and networks. And I must say I am not alone to think and do things this way.

Digital lives of people don’t necessarily mirror their real ones. This has been my major contention and may be the reason for not indulging into it. It doesn’t imply that I am huge fan of knowing people’s personal stories. But definitely I am not bothered with show off people put out there. It saves me from undue envy and comparisons, letting me find something worth in real people around to learn and cherish.

Being organised is another important aspect which I admire prominently. I don’t want FB and insta to keep myself updated with happenings around. Plus I don’t want to know everything at real time. I got to do my own things after-all. News and new things both come to me at my convenient time, most importantly with necessary details. It filters for me facts from opinions and data from all the information.

I find my freedom and place for expression in doing things and not really putting it up for people. I love when people read my write ups through dedicated online platforms. Nevertheless, I understand that there is lot of good work on FB and insta as well. But it could never push me into this endless ocean for the sake of few gems. I enjoyed the digital solitude in a way. But no offense to people who enjoy the life through the lens of these accounts. Its matter of personal choice.

Connection is a major thing one may miss out if someone is not on FB or insta in 2020. I chose LinkedIn for it, making the connections more authenticate and professional. Moreover, being in field of social work intrinsically connected me with countless people, good number from it lasted really long. My experience says the real circles go deeper. And that is more fascinating. Enriching too.

Undoubtedly there are things I miss for not having FB or insta account. No argument over it. I actually can't tell the world how wonderful my recent outstation trip was or how did my husband surprise me on valentines day, by posting the pictures. I can't showcase my mood swings from self-actualisation to depression, by quoting some famous personalities. I don't get to know about offers and varieties from newly opened store in town. But I am happy, I could keep up my people’s skills intact without falling for virtual engagements. I am happy, I could value person sitting next to me more than virtual contact. I am happy, I could smile and share a moment with family and friends in person. I am happy without FB and insta in 2020.

  • Ronnie   3/7/2020 5:18:42 PM

    Excellent post Shweta ... I also have eschewed Facebook and never posted anything on Instagram preferring to maintain a modicum of privacy ...

    • Shweta

      Happy to know it Ronnie. Thanks for your comment.

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