Changes in Lifestyle w Covid and Us Co-Existing

Dear All,

As we know that our world day by day becomes a victim of this unspeakable yet deadly Coronavirus -(Covid-19)

Amidst the rising cases and all that has been taking place so far within the limelight of the media.

I'd like to ask what are our responsibilities? How can we contribute to betterment.

Firstly the precautions. None taking it lightly, we must follow the precautions ans guidelines set in by (MOH) The Ministry of Health. 

For some people I've encountered especially teenagers. It's a matter of pride and show as not to wear a mask or use sanitizers or gloves as a form of self protection.

Please know that this virus is real and is amongst our community. The best way to protect the people that we care for, if not ourselves, is to be safe than sorry.

For those who stay indoors as I've come to know from people and those that have been laid back from jobs, work.

Better times will come. We must be together in this. You are protecting us by staying back. I would like to request all who needs this "Please keep hope" It is the only thing that will keep out morales high and help us triumph these testing times.

In Unity we stand as one, in caring we are human.

I myself visit a supermarket, a public place and as soon as i see someone approaching. I take two steps back. If it can save one more person and 10 more after that, that is what matters.

I go for exercise, wearing a face mask and observe many people do not, some feeling out of fashion, some just too proud or ignorant to wear one. It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of what matters to us. Our people, our home, our families.

Please Stay safe & Keep Safe. Not necessarily Stay at home.


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