Al Hilal Healthcare Group proudly launches Al Hilal CARES

Al Hilal CARES is a model which intends to support the needy people across the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Al Hilal considers this as its social responsibility to help needy people in these difficult times due to the global pandemic that has affected all sections of society.

The notion behind Al-Hilal CARES is to become a helping hand for the destitute people in the community.

Several kits containing basic grocery items are being distributed to families who have been affected financially by the economic slowdown.

Also, this initiative is not limited to any particular community or nationality. These kits are distributed on the basis of need.

Dr Sharath Chandran, Chief Executive Officer of Al Hilal Health care group, said: “It is indeed a difficult situation for all of us and as a health care provider, it is our core responsibility to keep serving the communities in one way or other.
"We believe that we are privileged to have taken up this noble cause through Al Hilal CARES.
"We have always been at the forefront to address alot of Medical conditions through community engagement in the past. But the present scenario needs a different approach. That has led to the birth of Al Hilal CARES.”

Business Head Mr Asif Mohammad added: “It is an initial step of the model and Al Hilal will be initiating more charitable activities under Al Hilal CARES in future.”

A new team has been set up to manage the activities and to make sure that the needy benefit from the programme. As an initial step, the newly-formed team distributed grocery kits to families in Isa Town, A’ali, Gudaibiya, Muharraq and Hidd.

  • If you would like more information about the initiative, call Asif Mohammad +97336330810 or Anam Bachlani on +9733355461.

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