Lessons to be learned

A fast-paced life in which details slipped through the cracks is what we had before this pandemic struck. We went through the motions of life - getting up in the morning, rushing through breakfast, hurrying to work and cursing at the traffic jams, while burying yourself in your job then again rushing home to eat a quick dinner only to sleep and wake up to repeat the process the following day. We simply took for granted life around us and the beauty that lay in its simplest details. The details that we were forced to re-evaluate once the pandemic hit forcing us to slam the brakes on the lives we became accustomed to just going through instead of actually living. 

We spent years of our lives just going through the motions without enjoying everything around us and we took our blessings for granted. We only woke up the moment we realised that we might lose everything because of a virus that took the world by storm. 

We realised that as life around us has changed and we were forced to adapt, we never really appreciated the small details that we took for granted. And this is where the story of Cash and Tango (the little ones in the picture) becomes so important. 

Tango and Cash were fostered by my family during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Bahrain when precautionary measures reached their highest in order to combat the spread and limit its transmission. My sister brought them home wrapped in towels looking like tiny Shawarmas staring around the house in bewilderment. 

Ofcourse, we had to take advtange of the fact that my dad wasn't home at the time so we unwrapped their towels and set them down on the ground downstairs in the TV room and watched them as they inspected their surroundings. There was a beauty in the way they carefully moved around together taking tiny steps towards the furniture and sniffing at everything. 

They were inseperable since they came home and as Covid-19 forced us to slam the brakes on our fast-paced life, smaller details we took for granted emerged around us such as the adorable way Tango and Cash toss their food around their bowls using their tiny little noses and the way they fight over the rubber ring they both love to play with so much (but which lies around ignored for the majority of the time). 

Tango and Cash could look into your eyes and make you forget all the horrible things happening around you - all the deaths, fires, destruction, corruption, and just pure disasters in all shapes and forms. They carry the innocence of the world in their eyes - all you have to do is look. 

Living life isn't about having the highest paying job or about power plays or about whose the wealthiest and whose the smartest. Living life is about appreciating the tiny little things you took for granted before. I remember saying an animal can never change my life (and that was before I met Courage who I introduced you too before). But the innocence and love for life that I found in Tango and Cash changed my outlook on the small details of life that I had previously ignored. 

The first time they set their feet down on grass was a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life because it taught me that patience and love can change even the most traumatised of souls. When their feet touched the grass they immediatly looked up with wonder in their eyes at this new feeling. And then it suddenly hit me, I don't need thousands of dinars to find joy, I don't need people fawning over me and I don't need dozens and dozens of 'friends' in order to live life happily. 

All you need is to take a step back, appreciate what you have and understand that life is precious and when we are given the chance to change an innocent soul's life to the better we should jump at that opportunity. 

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