This Face

They always tell us to look our best
The straightest , pointy nose
The clearest, smooth skin
The prettiest, dainty smile
The perfect, petite face
The fullest, thick lips.

But I’ll tell you what this face went through.

It went through tears
Through happiness

This face fought its toughest wars

It went through anger
And frustration

The unholiest pain of all.

This face went through betrayal
And hurt
It fought to conquer its fears.

This face went through denial
And distrust

A burden in all its sheer.

But this face also went through

Triumph and glory
The highest it could attain

It went through fame and fortune,
Everything big, that was to be maintained.

There were all these highs and lows
This face, stayed the same

And the day I stared back at it
Through the cracked, window pane

I smiled (a small one)
To know that this face, is mine to frame.

It’s mine to keep
Well- attainted
Definitely well deserved

Because my face had scars
And tears fully smeared

My face had remnants of makeup
And tiny baby hair

My face was quite big
But it oft received a glare

As my lips aren’t the thickest
My nose is quite big
My jaw sets my face

And my eyes are a dish.

Because this face will get crowned
It will see over crowds

This face will earn respect
And to this face
You will bow.

For no face should be the sole value
And no face overlooked

Because the face you feel is pretty
Is, but an unfinished book.

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