I am proud to be an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker)

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to Bahrain for the incredible way it has embraced me as an expatriate worker and to share a valuable lesson I have learned from observing the stark cultural differences between my homeland and this beautiful country over the past decade.

As an Overseas Filipino Worker, or OFW, I arrived in Bahrain on October 1, 2011, and it has since become my cherished second home. I have spent many years here, building not just a life, but a network of friends who have become my family. Longing for a place to truly belong and a family to call my own, I have found solace in Bahrain, where people genuinely understand and prioritize the importance of family bonds.

I am a HAIRDRESSER, and I consider my work at the salon to be my livelihood. It has not only provided me with financial stability but has also transformed me into a better version of myself. Every positive aspect of my life can be traced back to my career. I may not excel in every aspect of my life, as I am far from perfect or the best father, but I take pride in my profession. Through the art of hairstyling, I have the privilege of touching people's lives and making a positive impact, which fuels my passion and keeps me going.

During my time in the Middle East, I have encountered a prevailing sentiment that Filipinos are highly appreciated for their work ethic and their ability to make things happen. Whenever assistance is needed or a task must be accomplished flawlessly, Filipinos are sought after. We have earned an international reputation as hardworking individuals who rarely complain and possess remarkable capabilities. I humbly accept this reputation as a compliment and extend my gratitude for recognizing our contributions.

However, what I have witnessed, which many of our fellow Filipinos may not have seen, is the silent struggle that overseas Filipino workers endure. We encounter mistreatment, both in our professional and personal lives, in the countries we serve. It is possible that some OFWs refrain from sharing the harsh realities they face with their families back home, as they bear the weight of responsibility to provide for their loved ones. OFWs are extraordinary individuals, among the strongest I have ever encountered. They may capture pictures in front of fancy establishments to share on social media, ensuring their families back in the Philippines don't worry about them, but every Pinoy I have met abroad carries an indescribable longing for their families.

Moreover, some of us have adopted an unfortunate habit of prioritizing material possessions, mistakenly believing that accumulating wealth defines our worth. We fall into the trap of living solely to work, rather than working to live. In truth, the things we possess often end up possessing us. This is a grave error we make in our lives. We become consumed by work, striving to obtain more things we don't really need. I am guilty of this as well.

While we face our own challenges, I have come to realize that our concerns differ from those of others. Some worry about owning new cars, while many Filipinos worry about having enough food on their tables. That is the disparity I observe. Even when our hands are empty, our hearts remain full.

As an expat in this wonderful country, I have been privileged to experience the warmth and hospitality Bahrain extends to foreigners like me. I strive to be deserving of these privileges. I have encountered Filipinos in various workplaces, from offices to shops, restaurants, and hospitals. They always greet you with a smile and perform their duties with dedication. Behind those smiles, I know there are worries and hardships. I want to take this opportunity to express how deeply I appreciate and admire all of you. I see the sacrifices you make, and I want you to know that you are respected, admired, and thanked. Salamat po. Ingat lagi. Mahal ko kayong lahat!

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