Behind the Mask - Adult Category

"Mom, I need the inhaler today. "

That WhatsApp message from  the living room brought me out of my work trance.

I sighed. Got up and stretched. 

"Ok, will pick it up now."

I was seated for the past few hours at my Mac working away on a keynote slide. It was a new project and I didn't want to get up till I finished it. But ya, duty calls. And so I do get up and move.

The skies were turning towards a rose tint ... sunlight still bright but dusk was on her way. I didn't want to delay it further or dinner inevitably would get delayed. 

So off I go to freshen up. 

Then a quick look at myself and a dash of that nude pink colour on my lips ... before I inevitably put on that sad black linen on top of her - the inevitable mask! Oh how I despise her. Well, can't be helped. 

My hair was still in her 2 ponytails - it looked fine. 

I grab my thick jacket and slip into my ripped knee length jeans and bright pink sneakers. 

"Bye baby. Be back in a jiffy. You ok? "

"Ya- I am good. Bye mommy."

Bag- check

Phone- check

Car keys- check

Right ! Off I go.

Everything is a hop skip jump away and I walk into the pharmacy in no time.

His hair was rich black. His black rimmed glasses sat on the edge of his nose. Pushing them back, he smiled a cheerful happy smile. 

" Yes dear - and what 'aare' you looking for?!" - out came his voice -animated and almost in a sing song manner. 

For a second I paused.  His voice and tone caught me by total surprise.

He's mighty cheerful. I thought to myself. It made me grin. To see an adult in quite this way. 

"Hi" - smiling beneath the mask. " I'd like an inhaler please." 

"Oh - ok" catching a glimpse of concern there in his voice. He walked towards the shelf that was behind the cash register. His white overall hand stretched out and gently picked the Ventolin Inhaler. 

He turned - smiled again and cheerily asked - "Anything else dearie?"   

By now I knew he wasn't talking to an adult. It suddenly hit me that my less than 5 feet petite frame accompanied by my 2 white streaked ponytails  and sneakers had just given this man who could be in his early 40s the feel that I was not one! 

Underneath my black mask, my grin just widened, the twinkle in my eye now almost creased with mischief and delight. 

I didn't want to burst his bubble... and I tilted my head and played along - " That one. May I have the Clariton tablets as well please? " softly, with a cheerful rhyme in my voice. 

He picked it up and in no time did a quick total on his cash register and a swipe of my card led to my bagged meds in hand.

" Take care and hope you have a lovely day ! " his cheerful child friendly cadence was back on.

"Oh yes indeed - I will. Thank you." 

I grinned a Cheshire Cat grin and left with a spring in my step!

Seated in my car with the windows rolled down, the mask off and cruising down the road with the wind in my silver tresses and loud vibrant music ...I smiled as I pondered ...

Oh for people and perspectives and rose-tinted glasses - who deny the existence of the 40-something me completely! 

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