October adult entry/ Monisha Vyas

"No situation in life is permanent". Well, doesnt it sound something I would rarely say? Kindda yes. I've always been on the optimistic side of life, not gonna lie but did always try to see the good in a situation no matter the 'situation'.. never did i completely agree that change is inevitable. 

Just close your eyes and recall all the events that you were afraid of.. i was afraid to lose my friends.. the first speech on stage.. school examinations.. interviews.. a car accident... i peed my pants as a kid when mum didnt open the door after playing with my friends (she went to grab groceries). 

I know for a fact we've had moments like these and rermaind dead-scared. cause we were facing them with uncertinity. right now, all of them just be pretty memories.. as in these moments or experiencese have just come and gone in our lives. But recently i read something and it said 'just strengthen your heart while facing such situations. Tell your mind loudly "EVEN THIS TOO SHALL PASS AWAY". 

Just as when i even read it. It hit. YES! for real, everything will eventually pass away. they be distant memories saying 'oh yeah, once uipon a time' and not to sound like the optimistic content creating influencers.. but all of them saying 'live in the present moment' does make a little sense. well, to be honest.. it makes A LOT OF SENSE. 

like all events in life, a moment like this is also temporary.. me writing this article. u reading it. going over to your friends birthday. turning whatever age u will. its like a one time thing.. just a memory for another day. and the sooner u understand this quote the better "your future self is watching you right now through memories".. im not asking you to do your crazy bucket list or acheive all your dreams and stuff.. im just saying its our own baseless imagination and confusions that make us afraid of passing events in life. Maybe all we gotta do is be right there doing whatever it is that we're doing cause whatever we are consumed in right now 'shall pass away too'. 

- Monisha Anil Vyas 

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