Destination Abu Dhabi digital portal attracts thousands of potential investors, entrepreneurs and future residents

More than 300,000 people are benefitting from an Abu Dhabi know-how-platform, which aims to make living and investing in the capital a smoother experience.

Destination Abu Dhabi, which was launched in March this year, is a one-stop informative platform that provides a roadmap for potential investors, business owners, entrepreneurs, and future residents to gain knowledge and access key industries in the capital. By commissioning thought leaders, industry experts, innovators, and social media icons, the online platform provides engaging information about the stock market, digital and artificial intelligence, real estate, manufacturing, healthcare, education, tourism and hospitality sectors.  

“Abu Dhabi has a lot to offer within the real estate, manufacturing, business, digital, and investment sectors, coupled with a strong and highly appealing livability aspect,” said Namrata Raina, project lead of Destination Abu Dhabi. “Named the safest city in the world for the sixth year in a row, Abu Dhabi is one of the most advanced cities in the world and has demonstrated its resilience by recovering quickly from the Covid-19 pandemic. Through Destination Abu Dhabi, we aim to demonstrate this by providing the audience with a comprehensive understanding of the city's ecosystem to promote it as the capital of business, investment, innovation, and livability.”

In less than a year, the platform has been able to attract nearly half a million (500K+) users from the UAE, GCC, and MENA region across its 7 social media platforms, including Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. The audience was primarily from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, and Egypt, making up about 70% of the platform's followers.

“Since the launch, we have received numerous inquiries for accessing the emirate’s various plans, programs, and initiatives within the business and investment space,” Raina added. “Destination Abu Dhabi is connected to a significant number of partners who can help facilitate people’s access to their areas of interest. This has encouraged more people to actively benefit from and use the platform and enjoy the convenience it offers.”  

The platform has also received a tremendous amount of interest from the MENA market and plans to expand its reach globally.

Abu Dhabi Landscape - Destination Abu Dhabi

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