Chairman of Sportnaa: Bahraini Goalkeeper receives Interest from Portuguese Club

Ali Sawar, a talented 19-year-old goalkeeper from the Al Shabab club in Bahrain, has become the subject of interest from a Portuguese club. The Chairman of Sportnaa, Khaled Abdulrahman Saeed, confirmed that Sawar recently participated in tryouts for the fifth league in Portugal, facilitated by the Sportnaa Football Agency in late June.

Sawar's impressive performance during the tryouts has caught the attention of the Portuguese club, leading them to express their desire to acquire his services. This week, Sportnaa is set to officially announce the request from the Portuguese club, which will be forwarded to the Bahrain Football Association for consideration.

While the Portuguese club is keen on securing Ali Sawar's talent, the final decision regarding his potential transfer lies with his current Bahraini club. The Al Shabab club holds the authority to determine whether Sawar will be granted the opportunity to pursue this overseas venture.

This development marks a significant milestone in Ali Sawar's career as a goalkeeper and as a Bahraini , as it presents him with the possibility of playing in the professional leagues of Portugal. If the transfer materializes, Sawar will have the chance to showcase his skills in a new environment and further develop as a goalkeeper.

The announcement by Chairman Khaled Abdulrahman Saeed has sparked anticipation among football enthusiasts, who eagerly await updates on the situation. The decisions of both the Bahrain Football Association and the Al Shabab club will play a vital role in shaping Sawar's future as a goalkeeper.

Sportnaa's role in facilitating this opportunity for Ali Sawar highlights their commitment to promoting Bahraini talented players in Europe and connecting them with international clubs. Their expertise in player representation and tryouts opportunities has paved the way for Sawar's potential breakthrough in Portuguese football.

Sportnaa will closely follow the outcome of the discussions between the Bahrain Football Association and the Al Shabab club. The final decision will not only impact Sawar's career but will also serve as a testament to the growing recognition of Bahraini players on the global football stage.

Ali Sawar picture in the tryouts of Mertola United Fc in Portugal

Ali Sawar picture in the tryouts of Mertola United Fc in Portugal

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