The Unread Letter (Adult Entry September)

Peter was trying to check through the old pile of papers and letters with a pretty clear decision of “am going to trash them anyway.”

He barely saw through a few when his fingers froze and eyes were riveted to the only handwritten address on an unopened envelope. He could recognize that handwriting among a thousand other prints. 

Uneasily, he opened the letter with a racing heart. The very first line of the letter made him gasp. 

“As I lie on the hospital bed waiting for the final call , I wanted to confess something…”

His eyes welled up and a never felt before churning of the gut made him gasp for breath. So is he no more ! Deep remorse made him hate himself! Why did he not keep in touch with him?

He actually had distanced himself so much from the whole gang that it never occurred to him to contact anyone of them. 

In retrospect the issue seemed so unimportant, futile. It was just a prank, though then, it felt like a back stab from the best friend.

He was heartbroken to see his girl with his best friend! Neither of them really had any feelings for each other. 

Was it too late now ? 

He picked up the courage and searched the Facebook for a few familiar profiles. It was a frustrating exercise but he managed to find one of his childhood friends. He sent a message and checked the app every few minutes, the wait seemed to be never ending. 

Finally, he received a response along with a contact . He immediately called and what he got to know broke him from inside. His childhood bestie was no more! He lost the battle of life to Covid and he wanted to meet him , just once!

How would he live with this regret? 

While boarding the flight for his reunion, his clammy hand on the satchel were proof that  his 'letting go journey' had begun.

Nivedita Roy 

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Nivedita Roy resides in Bahrain. She  is a teacher by profession, bilin ....Read more


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