Liking Is For Cowards / Poem / Adult Entry

Liking is for Cowards

"He doesn't even like me!" she cried aloud

In the vast church, her sorrow unbowed

Her eyes heavy pain pouring like rain

Seeking solace from her heart's deep pain.

"My dear child," the father with love in his gaze

Turned toward her seeking to light her darkest days

"God wouldn't want to see you so sad and blue

Don't cry for someone who never truly loved you."

"But I don't understand," she whispered, her plea

The father, with a gentle touch set her spirit free

"No, my child," he reassured wise and kind

"If love were pure, it wouldn't leave doubts behind."

"He was a coward, just like you should never be

For love is raw and not perfectly likable, you see.

It's not a burden to bear or seek perfection's grace

It's about laughter that brings tears to your face.

It's the freedom to be, without constraints or strife

Not changing yourself to fit someone else's life.

You're beautiful, lovable just as you are

Love is simple, like a smile that takes you far.

It's the joy you bring when you make someone's day

Guiding a turtle across the road on their way

Believing in yourself, chasing your dreams in style

For love is beautiful when it's genuine and worthwhile.

Remember this advice, etch it in your heart's core

"Liking is for cowards, my dear, nothing more

Go for what's real, for real love's the key

And what's real isn't always perfectly likable," you'll see."

-Monisha Anil Vyas 

The best part is, this idea isn't just about relationships; it goes for career choices and everyday decisions too. Choosing what's real over the breezy isn't always easy, but it's so worth it.

Sometimes, we doubt ourselves, thinking we don't deserve love or happiness. But remember, it's all in our heads, and we can change that. True love doesn't need us to be someone we're not. The right person accepts us as we are, making us even happier.

Life may seem great, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows. We'll face tough times, grow, and miss the old days. But here's the deal: Don't change who you are for someone's 'like.' That's the easy way out. Go for what's real, even if it's a bit messy. Trust me, it's totally worth it when you see the rainbow after the storm.

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heyo.. just another person from the 8 billion :-)

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