School Days U18 entry

Once in a suburban village, there lived a little boy named James.

James was 9 years old and loved to go to school whereas in the other hand James’s friend Oliver who was the same age as him and also were in the same class didn’t like to go to school at all.

He complained about each and everything about school, its course and studies.

One day, when the maths period was going on,Oliver found math period very boring so instead of studying he troubled his friends and told them horrible jokes.

During lunch break in school, James tried explaining to Oliver how bad it was to troublesome one else for your own happiness especially during school hours, but explaining to Oliver was of no use.

After 9 years the both kids were grown and as the grades go higher and higher studies course gets more and more. Oliver was more frustrated now he became more and more angry. Until one day, while he was walking in his collage corridors his eye caught on the notice board. On, the notice board someone named Jackson William wrote a beautiful write up on “Learn To Appreciate My School.

 “It said – ‘I love my school. I like so many things about my school like – Respected principal sir, cleanliness, culture, Environment and my charming beautiful caring and loving teachers.
I am 
trying to be an outstanding student of outstanding school. I try to improve my handwriting and I try to study as much as I can. I participate in all competition held in my school, Also I try my level best to work hard and get good marks in my terminals and formatives this is my aim to make my school proud of me as per my class constitution.

Our teachers work so hard for us this is the time we can show our teachers and make them proud on us.

I hope you all liked my motivated speech, and don’t forget to prepare for your exams’. 

After reading this Oliver felt very bad about his behavior towards his school. Oliver was very motivated indeed, he rushed to Jackson’s class and thanked him a lot for writing this motivating speech.

Jackson said – oh Oliver it’s nothing at all I love my school so much, that I wanted to express my feelings on the paper and when my teacher Miss Felicity saw it under my desk she took it out read it, showed it to the principal and the principal ordered her to put in on the notice board so that everyone in the collage can read it.

Wow exclaimed Oliver, I never ever realized that I wasted my time all day about complaining about my school and troubling my friends, I feel really sorry and bad.

Jackson said it’s ok Oliver now what ever happened we can’t do anything about it. But now you can enjoy all the terms in our collage and you can be happy and say sorry to James.

Oliver nodded and said I suppose you are right and from today I pledge to appreciate me my friends and my lovely school and once again thank you for the beautiful write up bye.

Jackson said bye, good day.

The next day everyone was surprised to see Oliver’s good behavior, when it was lunch time Oliver went to James and apologized about not to listen his advice.
James said 
its ok my dear friend but from now on be thoughtful towards you and your surrounding environment.

Yes James I will and from now onwards I will listen to everyone’s good and bad advice and I will decide what is right for me. That’s the sprit exclaimed James. Suddenly. Jill Oliver’s 8th grade classmate ran into their talk and said – Oh my Oliver I am surprised to see your good behavior but there is an advice I would like to give you if you don’t mind. Oh no not at all said Oliver please tell me your advice, I promise to follow it if it is good. 

Jill began- We should listen to a fools’ and ‘knowledgeable’ both people because by that way we should know that we need to follow fool or knowledgeable.

Nice one Jill. I will always follow that. Also I will be nurturing responsible global citizen. I am very glad to hear that Oliver, said Jill.

That’s how Oliver learnt that school and advices are not a curse but a boon. 

Moral: School days are the Best days of life and don’t ignore good advices, who knowit can change your life.
We should cherish each and every movement of school days. 

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