The Real Christmas Spirit

The Real Christmas Spirit

Once in a faraway kingdom there lived a sweet and charming girl named Posie. She was sensible and thoughtful for others. It was a bright month of December, and Posie’s father Sid came down and said – my dear Posie what do u want for Christmas this year from father Christmas? Overhearing there talk Posie’s mom walked in the living room and said – why not write a letter to Santa and send it in the mail box so Santa can make sure he is bringing you the gift. Posie liked the idea and said okay mom I will grab a paper and an envelope then I shall start writing. So when she got her supplies she started to write. After some time when she was done with her letter she place it in the envelope, wrote her address and drew some candy canes. She asked her mother if she could go to the mailbox now, her mother said – okay but be quick dinner is almost ready!. Posie skipped across the pathway happily. Finally she reached the mailbox and put the letter it a tiny opening, she murmured – stay safe letter.

She went back home and ate her dinner in peace. When she was eating her father asked what you asked for Christmas to Santa. You will get to know tomorrow, for now let’s just say the gift I asked Santa will make u very proud. Next day, Posie came down the stairs and join her family for breakfast. While she was eating her cereal the doorbell rang “ting-tong”. I wonder who there is early at this time of morning said her mom. I’ll get the door Posie said to her mom. When she opened the door she saw Santa standing in front of her she couldn’t believe her own eyes! She welcomed Santa to her home and introduced her parents. Posie’s father said - Welcome, we are very pleased to see you and what did my dear Posie asked you for her gift? Your dearest daughter wrote to me:

Dear Santa,

I get gifts everyday on my birthday, on festivals and on all other occasions. But the people who cannot even afford a Crum of bread should get a gift. They will be so happy. I just want a letter from you saying “I have delivered all the gifts to needy kids on your behalf”. I will more than happy to know that and it will be the best gift I can ever get from Santa on Christmas eve.

Thank u…..

On hearing this everyone was in awe. Posies father said- you did truly made be proud I am so happy. Wow! Posie that is so kind of you I love u! Said posies mum cheerfully and happily. There is no Christmas without gifts so I have bought you 2 gifts for showing your soft skills said Santa. Open it said her mum. Posie un-wrapped the shiny wrapping paper and for her astonishment she got a beautiful dress and a cute Santa watch. She said thank you Santa! No problem, you are a very nice child and u do have an endless great “CHRISTMAS SPIRIT”. Saying so Santa got disappeared. Everyone gave Posie hugs and kisses.

Moral: Put others before your own need and always remember what goes around comes around.

The end……….

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