The Corridor Of Eyes

One moment, she was there, and the next moment darkness swallowed her whole, before he could make out her face clearly. That was not good. She had been the only one he’d seen in the mansion this entire time.

Five-year-old Theron had expected the mansions to be filled with balloons and sunshine. None of that. Instead, the curtains were drawn shut and no lights were on. He could do something, but the curtains were dangerously close to the small tables with big vases and showpieces, which meant he would break them if he struggled to pull open the curtains. Plus, he couldn’t reach the light switches because of his height.

The only things he could hear was the faint ticking of the grandfather clock at the end of the corridor. What time was it? He didn’t know. They hadn’t taught in school yet.

Heart racing, he called out, “Hello?”

No response.

Maybe Dad would be near. He raised his voice, “Dad?”

This time, his voice carried though the entire corridor coming back to him louder and ominous. Laughter bubbled through his lips, making him hold his stomach. He was too hungry to laugh the situation soon lost its humor.

 Tentatively, he walked in the corridor in the hopes of finding someone. Random thoughts began to appear in his head. Why did Dad need so many servants? I’m hungry.

Suddenly, a gust of wind slapped him across the face, making him almost lose his balance. Light shone through the flying curtains and onto the paintings, illuminating their radiant faces and giving highlight to the exquisite details. It would’ve been a spectacular sight if there hadn’t been human faces painted in such a realistic way.

Tension coiled his empty stomach. Their eyes seemed to burn a hole at the back of his head. Why were all the paintings staring at him?

As he took more steps, every pair of eyes seemed to observe his every move. Being watched in his dinosaur pyjamas was his worst nightmare. It was a cool gift from Dad, but he was a big kid now! Then again, if these paintings had a problem, they could talk with Dad. Why had he painted so many people? They all looked scary and ugly.

      He almost jumped out of his skin- someone was coming! Footsteps thundered through the corridor, quickening the pace as they drew closer. Was it Dad? Was it that maid? He squinted to make out the tall shadow standing at the end of the corridor.

Theron’s heart leaped. It was Dad! tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran and jumped into his father’s arms, ignoring the judgmental stares from the paintings. Rubbing his small back, Dad carried him out of the mansion without a word. He’d been dumbfounded to hear Theron weeping on his shoulder.  He hadn’t meant to make his child cry.

     Sunlight directly smacked Theron’s watered eyes as they headed outside. He blinked.  Streamers and balloons decorated the entire backyard, surrounding all the servants collectively wishing him a happy birthday. The maid, who had disappeared and unknowingly scared the child, stood there with a gift, smiling. This made Theron burst into tears again.

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