Rushing to Conclusions: Why do people judge others so quickly?

We often make hasty judgments about others. Sometimes we don't even pause to reflect on our assumptions before we act on them. The following story will illustrate this point and help you learn how to deal with such situations.

Imagine you are in a building, and you are thirsty. You see someone across the street who offers to help you and bring you some water. You rush downstairs to get the water bottle from him. But he lives on the 25th floor of his building and it takes him a while to come down. You see him walking slowly with a glass of lime soda and a bottle of water in his hands.

Before you get angry or impatient, try to understand his perspective and his situation. Maybe he has a health condition that prevents him from moving fast. Maybe he wanted to be extra kind and bring you something refreshing along with the water. Maybe he had to wait for the elevator or deal with some other delay.

Don't judge anyone based on your expectations but appreciate the gesture and his generosity.

I would like to share a story with you, in a small town, there lived an old blind man who carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night. A group of young travelers saw him and made fun of him, wondering why a blind person would need a lamp. The travelers judged him based on appearances. However, they didn’t realize that the old man carried the lamp not for himself but for others. He wanted to ensure that people could see him and avoid bumping into him. 

This story teaches us not to judge solely based on what we see, there might be more to someone’s actions than meets the eye.

Sometimes we might be tempted to judge other people too quickly, without knowing their whole story. We all have our flaws and challenges, and we all deserve respect and kindness. So, let's try to be more open-minded and empathetic towards others, and appreciate their unique perspectives and contributions.

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