Instead of trying to grin and bear it , decide to gin and bear it .

Instead of trying to grin and bear it , decide to gin and bear it .

7am – My mother abruptly disturbs my beauty sleep I struggle to check the time through my half opened eyes and what strikes me is even worse . I HAVE MY MATH EXAM TODAY!!. All the numbers in my head decide to play Zumba  , my eyes wont open and the formulas make me even sleepy . But you gotta deal with it and so with this spirit I decide to get up stuff my ID card in my pocket and pray to the Almighty to just pass the exam . 7:45 I reach my school and I see all the bookworms mugging up the formulas as if they never studied , who knew this would be the 5th time they are doing it . 8AM – My teacher conveniently shuts the door and as we watch the clock ticking, she distributes the Question Paper. WHAT?? This chapter wasn’t supposed to be there, right? I scratch my head and try to remember what we did in class . But all I remember was me making UNO cards while our teacher was doing the sums . I should have actually studied, and so without losing any hope, I put square root  under every number in a way that I don’t have to further calculate it . Voila!! I got something on my answer sheet . To be very frank, I right from the start doubted the existence of math. For a very long time in my young life, I believed that 0 doesn’t exist because the Greek Philosopher Parmenides said that nothing can not exist because when you speak of something , you are speaking of something that exists .But my arguments were really stupid. Zero gave us the Fibonacci sequence binary language. But even though I doubted the existence of the  revolutionary importance of 0, I was still glad that I had an opinion and believed in it, and its okay to be wrong as long as you are ready to learn more and evolve...

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