Author Details

Armaan Bin Awaz

Registered On: 21-10-2023 - Last Updated On: 17-03-2024







Armaan Bin Awaz is a minor cavalier of 10 years, written two books "Power of Confidence" and "Armaan Nature Sonatas Volume 1." in works of philanthropy and literature in an appearance in GDN and Gulf Weekly Newspaper. Armaan Bin Awaz is a philosopher in quantum science and is known for works in law and politics to script amendment scholium in Bahrain Law Decree. Armaan Bin Awaz is a scholar on philanthropy, philosophy, chromodynamics, politics, literature and economy writing articles for multiple companies and has taken upon initiative to study conventional ways of neuromarketing and writes about Stock Markets and in fields of GDP Analysis of Country Economy, Neurology, Riemannian Geometry and he works upon a research paper on Space Time in belief of certain laws of gravity other in corollaries of Issac Newton and his works in Principia Naturalis. Armaan Bin Awaz studies topological manifolds and writes most on passive income strategies teaching students on enlightenment and complete theory in his philanthropy psychology philosophy theory called Vis Insita. Armaan Bin Awaz excels in linguistics fluent in English, Latin and Hindi in study of Greek, Anglo-Saxon, Hebrew and Arabic and is writing a book on to create a artificial language called Vatice. Armaan Bin Awaz studies in Bahrain Indian School Bhavans in Bahrain and is to implementing perfection and innovate and teach teens on to cope with adolescence in a commitment to improve infrastructure and innovation in the world currently writing a book on improving Middle East sectors in trading oil. He is also credited for theory of M=PxM2 in physics. 

Author's Latest Articles

Operation Dead Final Chapter- A Murder Mystery by Armaan Bin Awaz

Operation Dead- A Murder Mystery by Armaan Bin Awaz, Bahrain Indian School

Negotiating Stocks and Perception- Sir. Armaan Bin Awaz

Cravings of Solitude and Nostalgia Allegory by Sir. Armaan Bin Awaz


Passionata Volume II. Seset 3.

Passionata Volume II. Sestet 2.

Passionata Volume II. Seset 1.

Armaan Bin Awaz Wins 9 Medals at World Scholars Cup Bahrain Academic Event

Armani Fashions

Stock Markets Statistics to Personal Shares by Sir. Armaan Bin Awaz

A Midsummer Tide in Winter Nights by Armaan Bin Awaz

Alchemy by Armaan Bin Awaz (U18 Entry)

Thy Six Stones scriptus Armaan Bin Awaz (U18 Entry)

King's Confucius scriptus Armaan Bin Awaz (U18 Entry)

Cable of Condolence to Late Amir Shaikh Nawaf of Kuwait

Water is no Current of Adversary

IEA Raises 2024 Global Oil Growth Forecast

Cable of Congratulations 52nd Bahrain National Day

The Business Monk by Armaan Bin Awaz U18 Entry

Armaan Bin Awaz on Gulf Weekly GDN Paper

The Enchanted Dumbwaiter- Armaan Bin Awaz (U18 Entry)

Armaan Bin Awaz Launches a Book "Armaan Nature Sonatas Volume 1." U18 Entry

First Term at Oakland High Boarding School- U18 Entry

Armaan Bin Awaz Launches A Book "Power of Confidence" U18 Entry

A Charter of Peace- A Play by Armaan Bin Awaz- U18 Entry

A Passionata Volume 1. U18 Entry

Armani Fashions- A Fine Boutique

Fear and Fury Sonatas Collection 1 - U18 Entry

SDG Health and Well-Being: Innovation

Power of Confidence

The Power of an Introvert


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