A New Chapter, a New Team, for the Bahrain Writers’ Circle (BWC)

On Monday, May 11th, the Bahrain Writers’ Circle (BWC) announced a new team that will lead the BWC from June 2020 onwards.

Rohini Sunderam, who is stepping down for personal reasons, has led the BWC in partnership with Claudia Hardt for the past seven years.

She said it was, “An exciting new beginning, with a competent and committed new team.”

The new chapter was kicked off with the first BWC Zoom Meeting at which there were 18 participants, including David Hollywood, erstwhile member and leader of The Second Circle poetry group, who was checking in from Ireland.

David congratulated the new team as well as all BWC members and said, “…while I left the country five years ago, I have never left The Bahrain Writers’ Circle, and especially The Second Circle…”

The new team consists of the following Co-Directors: Claudia Hardt (PR & Media), Melissa Nazareth (Internal Liaison), Saira Ranj (Development & Meetings).

Other members who have taken on different roles are: Glen R Stansfield: Web Support and new Online Initiatives; Gunnar Gunderson: Creative Writers’ Workshop & Prose; Parvinder Kaur will direct The Second Circle assisted by Colin Lobo and Emad Alfons.

Additionally, there is a separate events team. The annual exhibition “Confluence – Where Words & Images Meet” will be led by Sara Madan; the annual “Colours of Life” Poetry Festival and any other events by Emad Alfons and Colin Lobo.

After a brief introduction from each of the team members and a resounding approval of their varied abilities, the meeting took on a lively life of its own. Topics of discussion ranged from potentially opening the BWC up to online members, exploring virtual events or virtual versions of physical events.

With a new team and in a new post-Covid-19 world, the Bahrain Writers’ Circle is set to break new ground, explore new spaces, and open up the creative minds of all writers in Bahrain.

Do join and unleash the writer within.

About the Bahrain Writers’ Circle (BWC)
The Bahrain Writers’ Circle (BWC) is an informal volunteer group of writers and aspiring writers established in 2011 by Robin Barratt - best-selling author of true crime.

It welcomes writers at all stages of their writing lives and aims to create an encouraging environment in which to nurture creativity, improve the craft of writing, and provide an opportunity to network with other writers.

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I am a founder member and director of the Bahrain Writers’ Circle (BWC), an informal group of like-minded people ....Read more


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