Kintsugi - The beauty in the flaw

"The unexamined life is not worth living", a profound statement from the great philosopher, Socrates. From a practical stand point it is more relevant, that, an un-lived life is not worth examining.

A well lived life is not one of having possessed or consumed in excess, rather it is a life filled with experiences.

Experience is something that touches the innermost depths of our heart, stirs the soul, pushes the body and challenges the intellect, permitting us to awaken and realise high individual potential.

Money is not the only wealth we may have. Experiences both good and bad will inevitably shape our character and personality is also our wealth.

What we experience first hand is what belongs to us and is genuine. When thoughts and emotions are acquired second hand from others without experience, it lacks genuinity and is always unsatisfactory.

In the journey of life, we will discover many flaws within ourselves. Should we consider them as ugly and try to hide them or should we highlight them so that we can learn and grow from them.

Actually it is our imperfections and flaws are what makes us human, truly unique, differentiating us from the madding crowd.

We occasionally break and get damaged but somehow destiny puts us back together. We may have some parts missing here and there and occasionally something extra. But in those distortions and superficial ugliness lies a genuine and original beauty like no other.

If we find the courage to acknowledge our flaws we will discover that we are in a sense liberated.

This is why I find the Japanese art form of Kintsugi used to repair and rejoin ceramic and pottery items by the use of golden paint and lacquer, to enhance the flaw in a beautiful way so liberating.

Those who experience and overcome adversity, have an unusual nature. Apparently damaged but unfazed, they seem to laugh at what they have gone through and speak so casually about the great adversities they have encountered in life. Such people are worthy of celebration, and befriending.

Kintsugi demonstrates how even a flaw can be made attractive and inspiring.


Interesting Link:
[Kintsugi: The Art of Embracing Damage


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