Bahrain Parliament Law Decree 54 OF 2022 Scholium to Amendments Proposal Draft by Sir. Armaan Bin Awaz

Bahrain Legislation Symbol of Bahrainona Pride

A cavalier minor of 10 years may I be written two
books and in the legislation of Bahrain do I propose
a draft in Decree Law 38 of 2022 amending
provisions of Decree Law 54 of 2002 had there been
negotiations in parliament to a rejection of decree
issued by His Majesty King Hamad Bin Isa Al
Khalifa in October of 2022, and do I propose, my
scholium to decree in amendments of law.


Article 66 states if council member keep deviating
from a specific topic under di-scussion, even after
being pointed out by speaker, the latter has the right
to prevent him from speaking the same subject.


Article 67 states to parliament may impose following
penalties to member upon violation to order.
1. He could be banned from speaking about
a specific topic for the remainder of the
2. He could be warned, blamed, and
prohibited from speaking.
3. He could be sent out of the chamber while
barring participation in rest.
4. The member could be barred from
attending one session.
5. The member could be barred from
participating in the work in the work of
the Parliament and its committees for a
period not exceeding than two weeks.


Article 68 states per if a member not comply to
decision of Parliament or the Speaker, the latter may
take any deems to implement the decision after
warning the member.


I propose the parliament to rethink the decision to
rejection on decree law, and to the articles of 66, 67
and 68 amendments for the articles are what kills
innovation for any MP would be in fear to propose
ideas leading to loss and grants will to the speaker as
said by MP Mohammed Al Hussaini calling it a
“joke”, “How can we defend people’s rights when
we can’t defend ours” he questioned, “The articles
turn us in to puppets while the speaker and the
government dictate every thing as a show director.
Also, no MP will question a minister if they want
their job, it’s an indirect blackmail to remain silent.”


The legislative council, if he so tends to get violent
in discussion, may he be warned by the speaker I
creed, yet so if he be deviating from a specific topic
under, the speaker shalt to pardon the session, along
to hear his proposal yet so to article 66, to issue a
penalty (written in ‘testimony to law’). Article 67
states to imposing certain penalties to council
member who prejudices order during session or does
not adhere to the council’s decision in preventing
him to speak. I propose the implementations to
article 67 to govern the penalties if he so prejudices
order, may he so be to propose his opposition, thou
his proposal is not in willing to the MPs, yet he so
speaks may he be pardoned to speak on the same
subject and under penalty if he so dare speak may he
be proposing specific penalties written in ‘testimony
to law’.


I. Bahrain could empower innovation in
II. Bahrain could be known for its affairs and
commitment to legislation.
III. Bahrain could gain recognition from UN to it
commitment in affairs to human rights and by
IV. MPs could deliver proposals directly and feel
free to emphasize.
V. Voting in parliament to an appeal would be a
displacement and a line to opposition to two
VI. Implementation would be to MPs in war of
words could fervour down.
VII. Publication in Official Gazette and EGovernment and Information Authority.
VIII. Innovation to Legislative and Executive
government plan of Bahrain. (2023-2026)
IX. Commitment toward Legislation and Legal
Opinion Commission.
X. Praise form Parliament Affairs Ministry.


As the decree has not been rejected, is being debated
in Shura Council. Bahrain could amend Bahrain
constitution the articles on the legislative assembly
and could be recognised in GCC. HH Amir Shaikh
Isa Bin Hamad Al-Khalifa constitution written in
1973 pursue amendments in the legislative assembly
rights. The legislative house is the implementations
of executive and judiciary council serving as civil to
the government, yet so how could council members
defend human rights when they can’t oppose,
opposition is what governs laws of natural
philosophy is it not and activism is what proposes
human innovation and presents the ideals of
endeavour in committing to heritage of Bahrain and
the consecutives of work to pride in ‘Bahrainouna’ is
it not, yet how could this implement the Bahraini
principles. Works in legislation would be the ideal to
innovation and infrastructure of Bahrain is it not.
Bahrain parliament is not a dictatorial chamber,
where parties oppose yet propose and that would be
my commitment to Bahrain by pointing legislation.
Bahrain legislative system could attract other
countries to their constitution to improve legislation
as Bahrain. The legislative initiative could improve
sustainability in legislation and the initiative could
achieve complete decency and more proposals in
law in parliament and recognition from parliament
minister. However, my proposal toward interest
points in amendments of these articles could be
debatable, we cannot call Bahrain a land of freedom
when MPs cannot defend their rights as said by MP
Al Hussaini, granting executive powers to the
speaker and government. 

The articles seem to unfair,
for the parliament is to country rights and speaker
has the right to pardon a member if he deviates a
specific topic under discussion in a perspective to his
tactics, should he shalt be pardoned to speak for
ideas are innovation. If speaker and parliament votes
a disagreement to member proposal, should he be
pardoned to speak on same subject and if he so
speaks in violation after proposal, may he be
imposed the following penalties is my testimony.
1.1 Warning
1.2 Blaming
1.3 Disqualifying such member to speak till end of
1.4 Disqualifying member from participating
remainder of session.
The chairman can pardon the council in to the
member who prejudices order survey his proposal, if
council rejects member proposal and if he so speaks
on to his subject by violence or words may the
speaker suggest council to pardon him from
speaking. If he so not adhere to council’s decision in
preventing him to speak may the council impose the
following penalties:
A. Warning
B. Blaming
C. Disqualifying member from remainder of
D. Disqualifying member from meeting hall in
one session.
Sir. Armaan Bin Awaz  

  • Armaan Bin Awaz   1/23/2024 5:30:50 PM

    The name is SCH. Armaan Bin Awaz, of ten years and this would be my research paper on Bahrain Law, I have emailed high powers my research paper, yet no answer I have so have I radical methods to democracy on my proposal in parliament, by uploads in GDNLife.

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Armaan Bin Awaz is a minor cavalier of 10 years, written two books "Power of Confidence" and "Armaan Nature Sonatas Volume 1." in works of philanth ....Read more


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