Prize writing contest - May 2022 entries still welcomed!

KEEN writers in Bahrain are being offered the chance to publish their work on Bahrain's sensational social media platform in an exciting GDNlife prize competition. 

Adult wordsmiths will compete for a monthly BD25 prize and one talented child will walk away with a pair of Cineco movie tickets. Both winning stories will also be announced in the GDN and on GDNonline.  

Winning stories, of no more than 800 words, will then compete for an annual GDNlife Short Story of the Year prize trophy … and even entries that do not win the judges’ approval could still walk away with an accolade - The GDNlife People’s Choice Award - for receiving the most views and likes.

GDN Managing Editor and GDNlife administrator Stanley Szecowka said: “All writers dream of having their work published and our community platform offers a unique opportunity for them to shine and win prizes!”

For the adult competition (18 and over) which is open to all residents of Bahrain, GDNlife has teamed up with the Bahrain Writers Circle, to judge the entries.
The children’s category (up to 17), again open to locals and expats, will be judged by a team of English teachers and GDNlife administrators.

The competition is now open. Simply write your short story of no more than 800 words and post it in the SHORT STORY section of GDNlife after registering on the platform. Clearly state the category: Adult or U18.

Winners will be announced early every month on the platform, in print and online. 

All entries submitted will be considered, so if your entry does not win this month, it may take a prize in the future.

Please choose an image to highlight your words and title your piece Short Story Entry with your name, age and category.

Get writing … you could be a winner!

For more details email

  • Shreyasi   12/7/2022 4:59:23 PM

    Hi, will there be one this month??

  • Nazmin   8/22/2021 3:16:37 PM

    May i know where do i post my story

  • Maria   1/10/2021 7:02:18 AM

    Won't there be story of the year competition with all the winners of the months?

    • AdminStan

      Our panel of judges will shortly decide on who should walk away with the annual GDNLife Short Story of the Year prize trophy after the competition’s first anniversary in March. The winner of the GDNLife People’s Choice Award – the short story that has received the most views and likes – will also be announced. Among the leading contenders are Muhammad Waleed Jamshed’s Tear That Spoke with 3,743 views, Tess Jannah’s Her Name Was Lakshmi with 3,631 views followed closely by her other entry The Lady Behind the Mirror with 3,608 views and Shama Uchil’s Home Alone which has so far attracted 3,404 views. Keen writers of all ages are being offered the chance to publish their work on Bahrain’s popular social media platform for a monthly prize. January 2021 entries are invited so get writing today! * Hopefully by the end of March we will be able to organise a post-Covid gathering!

  • Waleed   1/3/2021 12:20:56 PM

    Hope to Win 🤩#waitingforresults

  • Waleed   12/5/2020 2:45:52 PM

    Waiting for the results of November, hope to Win

  • Pallavi Jain   11/1/2020 9:04:39 PM

    Hi Is short story contest is over as no result has been declared for month of September and October?

    • AdminStan

      The results are announced on the first Saturday of the month!

    • AdminStan

      And, just like the F1 double header we'll be announcing the winners of both the Sept and Oct contests!

  • Waleed   11/1/2020 2:37:27 PM

    Waiting eagerly for the results, Good luck to all participants :D

  • Reda   10/14/2020 6:53:54 PM

    Hi. I have just submitted a poem. Is is okay if the entry is a poem?

    • AdminStan

      It's a short story contest. However, GDNlife visitors love to read good poetry!

  • Reda   10/14/2020 6:50:55 PM

    Hi! I just submitted a poem. Are poems okay?

  • Waleed   10/13/2020 8:53:46 PM

    Hy Dear, i have submitted my story for adult Category, hope it will be worth reading. Thank you

  • Pallavi Jain   9/21/2020 10:41:39 AM

    Dear Mr. Stanley I have posted a short story (adult ) for September, in people section . Thanks

  • Arihant   8/22/2020 10:51:15 PM

    Hi Mr. Stanley! I have posted my story on the people section for the August writing competition. It is still waiting for approval but will have been approved by the time you read this. My age is 15 and my word count is 733 words. Hope it's okay. Thanks!

  • Tess Jannah Bennet   7/5/2020 6:21:04 PM

    Hello Mr. Stanley! I have posted my short story on the People section for the July writing competition. I have mentioned my age and word count. It appears as part of the title. Hope that it's okay. Thanks!

  • Pallavi Jain   7/2/2020 3:53:42 PM

    Hi Can I send poetry as well ?

    • AdminStan

      This is a short story competition. However, please feel free to publish and share your poetry on GDNlife!

  • Amna   6/18/2020 3:43:47 PM

    How I should submit my short story for this competition?

    • AdminStan

      Hi Amna, I see that you have managed to master the platform! Can I just clarify your entry is for the adult section?

    • Amna

      Sure, thank you.

  • Kashaf Luqman   5/6/2020 3:53:05 PM

    When do we get the result for the April entries?

  • Marhaba   3/11/2020 7:02:02 PM

    Can residents of UAE also submit their entries?

  • Nabeela Begum   3/11/2020 5:28:08 PM

    Is there a deadline?

    • AdminStan

      It will carry on throughout 2020 and maybe beyond!

  • Imran   3/11/2020 7:57:43 AM

    Nice one Stan. Creative;)

  • Andre   3/1/2020 6:43:42 PM

    Nice to encourage the younger generation to write and read again 👍👍

  • Shumaila   2/29/2020 1:57:31 PM

    Really glad to see this take on young writers... My kid is already very excited. Will be posting the story soon❤️

  • Ronnie   2/29/2020 8:56:50 AM

    Great initiative...GDNLife is all about our community coming together through videos pictures and stories creating new bloggers and influencers posting about anything and everything of interest to our vibrant society

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