‘Our campus is closed, our learning continues’ - private school heads respond to fees petition

PRIVATE schools in the kingdom caught up in a fees petition row have sent a united message to parents and pupils; ‘our campus is closed, our learning continues’.

Head teachers want to clarify the difference between temporary virtual schools and online distance learning programmes.

They also believe their staff members have been outstanding in these exceptional circumstances and wish they could have paid them ‘double’ their salaries for their recent endeavours.

Tara Waudby, Riffa Views International School’s head of school, said: “Operating costs in our schools remain unchanged, even during Virtual School. 

“Firstly, the human resources budget accounts for 75-85 per cent of the operating costs of a typical school budget.  Our teachers are working harder than ever to deliver exceptional learning experiences online. 

“Therefore, they fully deserve the salary they receive, and as one head of school noted recently during a meeting with the Ministry of Education. ‘They deserve even more; we wish we could pay them double during this time’.

“In addition to planning, delivering and assessing learning in the virtual world, teachers are fulfilling additional duties as they do on a regular basis including frequent parent communication and socio-emotional experiences.

“Given the significant costs of our human resources, the small remainder of a school budget is allocated to resources and operations.  In many cases, our resource budget has increased as we purchase online subscriptions to ensure excellent Virtual Learning and offer professional learning experiences to our teachers to ensure they are prepared to teach in an online environment. 

“While our campuses remain closed, our physical buildings still require maintenance as usual.  

“While Distance Learning programmes across the world can provide a positive alternative to attending a physical school, it is unfair to compare the operating costs to private schools. 

“Distance learning has not been interrupted. Our schools have been and while we are continuing to deliver exceptional learning to our students, our costs remain the same whether our students are accessing the learning virtually or on our physical campuses. 

“We are proud that our schools in Bahrain have shifted seamlessly to online learning and we wish to celebrate all of the exceptional experiences our students are enjoying. However, we must also recognise that we are all, parents, students and teachers alike, looking forward to resuming school on our campuses.

“In order for this to happen, we must support our schools during this time of temporary campus closure. Our campuses are closed; our learning continues.”  

Other private school heads and principals agree.

Principal Dr Simon Watson of St Christopher’s School, said: “The staff members have excelled in creating engaging online learning opportunities but have also shown their dedication to the well-being of our students.

“With the physical and mental health of the school community in mind staff have devised; daily PE challenges and exercises for students and parents promoting the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle, a dedicated St Christopher’s School Infants Storytelling channel providing consistency and reassurance to our younger students and Google hangout sessions for collaborative music performances encouraging the importance of keeping in contact, to name only a few.”

The British School of Bahrain’s ‘BSB Virtual Learning Environment’ was designed using ‘the experience and support of the Inspired Global Education Group’, explained executive head John Maguire.

“All students are able to maintain their full education through remote access and activities that promote independent learning. The system is also designed to support parents through being flexible and easily accessible,” he added.

“Every day BSB receives parental commendations and letters of thanks for all the work and dedication. All of these factors continue to shape, improve and develop the school’s online provision, and its commitment to continue to deliver the level and quality of education that BSB students and parents expect.”

School executives and boards of governors are awaiting today for a government decision over fees. As reported by GDNonline, a final decision on reducing fees for private schools and universities will be made today.

Parents who have been petitioning for a cut in school fees have received support from MPs. During a marathon meeting last week between Parliament’s services committee and Education Ministry officials, it was agreed that the costs should be reduced.

The meeting was also attended remotely by Education Minister Dr Majid Al Nuaimi, who told MPs that several private schools have willingly reduced fees by 10 per cent already. However, MPs have demanded for at least a 20 per cent reduction during the meeting which was held at the National Assembly Complex in Gudaibiya.

The meeting followed orders by His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to ease pressure on parents following the Covid-19 crisis.

Tara Waudby

John Maguire

Dr Simon Watson

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