ANSWERS to the Bumper Sunday Quiz


1. Which country produces the most coffee in the world?

Answer: Brazil

2. What is the common name for dried plums?

Answer: Prunes

3. Which country invented tea?

Answer: China

4. What name does deer meat go by?

Answer: Venison

5. Which kind of beverage is Russia notoriously known for?

Answer: Vodka

6. What other name does “corn” go by?

Answer: Maize

7. What is the national dish of Spain?

Answer: Paella

8. Which European nation was said to invent hot dogs?

Answer: Germany

9. What’s the primary ingredient in hummus?

Answer: Chickpeas

10. Which country is responsible for giving us pizza and pasta?

Answer: Italy


1. Which organ has four chambers?

Answer: The heart

2. In which body part can you find the femur?

Answer: Leg

3. About how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?

Answer: 10, 000

4. What percentage of our bodies is made up of water?

Answer: 60-65%

5. Which element is said to keep bones strong?

Answer: Calcium

6. What does the acronym AIDS stand for?

Answer: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

7. How many times does the heart beat per day?

Answer: More than 100 000

8. What is your body’s largest organ?

Answer: The skin

9. What kind of cells are found in the brain?

Answer: Neurons

10. Which bone are babies born without?

Answer: Knee cap


1. Which continent is the largest?

Answer: Asia

2. Which of the Seven Wonders is located in Egypt?

Answer: The Pyramids of Giza

3. What is the name of the thin, but long country that spans more than half of the western coast of South America?

Answer: Chile

4. Which American state is the largest (by area)?

Answer: Alaska

5. What is the capital of New Zealand?

Answer: Wellington

6. Which desert is the largest in the world?

Answer: The Sahara Desert

7. What is the name of the world’s longest river?

Answer: The Nile

8. Which two countries share the longest (or largest) international border?

Answer: Canada and the USA

9. Which city in India would you find the Taj Mahal in?

Answer: Agra

10. What is the smallest country in the world?

Answer: Vatican City


1. Which name is rapper Sean Combs better known by?

Answer: P. Diddy

2. What was the name of the group Justin Timberlake used to be part of?

Answer: N’ SYNC

3. Which musical legend is Jay-Z married to?

Answer: Beyonce

4. What was the name of the rock band formed by Jimmy Page?

Answer: Led Zeppelin

5. How many Grammys does John Legend have?

Answer: Ten

6. Which British girl group had a member by the name of Mel B?

Answer: Spice Girls

7. Which country did AC/DC originate in?

Answer: Australia

8. What genre of music did Taylor Swift start in?

Answer: Country

9. Which song by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee has the most views (of all time) on YouTube?

Answer: Despacito

10. Who was the lead singer of the iconic ‘80s band, Culture Club?

Answer: Boy George

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