ANSWERS to Tuesday's Quiz

1. What is the name of the song that Queen Elsa sings as she builds her ice castle in the movie Frozen?

Answer: Let It Go

2. Which popular TV show featured the Houses of Targaryen and Stark?

Answer: Game of Thrones

3. How many films did Sean Connery play James Bond in?

Answer: 7

4. What was the name of the family who starred in 7th Heaven?

Answer: The Camdens

5. Which Indiana Jones movie was released back in 1984?

Answer: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

6. Which iconic TV featured the main characters, Samantha, Carrie, Cynthia and Charlotte?

Answer: Sex and the City

7. How many Lord of the Rings films are there?

Answer: 3

8. Which cartoon character lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Answer: Spongebob Squarepants

9. What was the name of the actor who played Jack Dawson in Titanic?

Answer: Leonardo DiCaprio

10. How many hearts does an octopus have?

Answer: Three

11. How long is the gestation period of an African elephant?

Answer: 22 months

12. What’s the scientific name of a wolf? 

Answer: Canis lupus.  Lupus will do.

13. What name is used to refer to a group of frogs?

Answer: An army

14. What is a female donkey called?

Answer: A Jenny

15. How many eyes does a bee have?

Answer: Five

16. Which mammal has no vocal cords?

Answer: Giraffe

17. What’s the fastest animal in the world?  Not including birds.

Answer: The cheetah

18. Which animal symbolizes good luck in Europe?

Answer: Ladybird

19. Do sponges have hearts?

Answer: No

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