Covid-19 Update Bahrain

ANOTHER 88 new cases of Covid-19 were registered in Bahrain yesterday, taking the number of active cases to 1,493, the GDN reported.

Of yesterday’s new cases, 72 were registered among migrant workers, 15 were from local contacts and one was unspecified.

The Health Ministry also announced that 92 people were discharged from isolation and treatment facilities yesterday, taking the total number of recoveries in Bahrain to 1,310.

Effective precautionary measures adopted by Bahrain and adequate treatment protocols have been credited for the large number of recoveries in the country.

SMC infectious and internal diseases consultant Dr Jameela Al Salman said yesterday that only 16.8 percent of the active were symptomatic.

“With any infectious or virus disease the increase in recoveries will mean fewer deaths,” she said during a press conference held yesterday.

“The same applies to Covid-19 as early diagnosis and a large number of tests per capita have resulted in our recoveries.

“Those who were tested positive were immediately isolated and they were put into quarantine even if they were asymptomatic.”

Meanwhile, the Health Ministry yesterday updated details of contact tracing for another 405 Covid-19 cases.

The latest update includes 16 Bahrainis, 204 Indians, 88 Nepalis, 71 Bangladeshis, 15 Pakistanis, four Sri Lankans and three Filipinos, along with one each from Ghana, Uganda, Britain and Ethiopia.

Of the Bahrainis three are children - one-year-old girl (case 1375), six-year-old boy (case 1376) and nine-year-old boy (case 1346).

Two of them (cases 1375 and 1376) contracted the virus from a 24-year-old Bahraini man (case 887), who arrived from Abu Dhabi on March 17.

Social media reports claimed last night that the man had violated self-quarantine rules.

Three other Bahraini men - aged 43, 31 and 34 - (cases 1000, 1050 and 1107) also contracted the virus from him.

Meanwhile, the nine-year-old child contracted the virus from a 35-year-old Bahraini man (case 1085) who tested positive during random sampling.

Two others - a 68-year-old Bahraini man (case 1367) and a 33-year-old Pakistani woman (case 1347) also contracted the virus from the same person.

The highlight of yesterday’s findings is that 116 people contracted the virus from one common contact (case 885), a 35-year-old Nepali man who tested positive after developing symptoms.

Of these 116 cases, 55 are Nepalis, 53 are Indians, six are Pakistanis, one is Bangladeshi and another is Ghanaian. The ministry said that contact tracing is ongoing for all the cases.

The new updates also include 57 cases that tested positive during random sampling in the community.

Bahrain has so far registered 2,811 cases of Covid-19, including the 1,493 active cases, the 1,310 recoveries and eight deaths.

A total of 121,706 tests have been conducted to date in the country.

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