Banker and schoolgirl win November's short story contests

Banking executive Viswanath Krishnan and schoolgirl Sahana Maskikar are the latest monthly winners of the popular GDNlife short story contest.

The November BD25 adult category prize went to Mr Krishnan who concentrated on a business deal for his tantalising tale and the important message of not taking everything at face value.

Short story contest judge Rohini Sunderam, from Bahrain Writers Circle, was impressed with Kal San which has already received more than 1,100 views on our social media platform.

She described the story as ‘good fun and a steady pace with a twist in the tail’.

Based in Bahrain since 2009, Indian expatriate Mr Krishnan from Mumbai, is an investment banking and strategy professional with more than 30 years’ experience across projects and assignments in his home country, the Middle East and Nigeria covering private equity, venture capital, mergers and acquisitions, project investment evaluation, business incubation and post investment monitoring.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Management and a PhD for his work on pre and post-merger evaluation and takes delight in checking out the short story section of

The 55-year-old said: “Firstly, please accept my compliments for providing a platform such as GDNLife which enables people to write and provides an outlet for their creativity.

“I never thought this would be a winning entry when I participated. I had been reading a few of the stories posted on the site and found some pieces very interesting. This kindled a desire to participate. The depth of talent seen on the site is amazing, to say the least.”

Among the youngest talent, Indian teenager Sahana Maskikar shone with her entry called Treasure hunt which has already attracted a stunning 6,500 views.

The 13-year-old Indian School pupil, who lives with her family in Umm Al Hassam, said she was delighted to win a pair of movie tickets.

“I feel so happy and joyous to have got recognition for my story,” he said. “GDNlife is an amazing platform. I feel very motivated and inspired to write and I’m looking forward to publishing even more stories.”

Treasure hunt is about a dazzling diamond, family love and the special relationship between children and their grandparents.

Judge Chris Fenton, head teacher of the British Primary Department at Al Noor International School, said: “The potential is definitely showing in this interesting mystery story. I look forward to watching how your writing develops in the future Sahana.”

You can check out November’s winning entries by the links below

November 2021 entries are invited so get writing today! Register, choose an image, create a title, paste and copy your words in text – and submit to share your work on – clearly stating Adult or U18 entry.

Our panel of judges will also decide on who should walk away with the annual GDNLife Short Story of the Year prize trophies in both categories after the competition’s second anniversary in March 2022.

The winner of the GDNLife People’s Choice Award – the short story that has received the most views and likes – will also be announced.

Keen writers of all ages are being offered the chance to publish their work on Bahrain’s popular social media platform for a monthly prize. As a result of the contest’s success there is now a special exclusive Short Story section on for visitors to enjoy.

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